‘Il Sole 24 Ore’ has published the book “Musica a specchio” edited by Carla Moreni. Ten extraordinary interpreters of our time tell us about one elective composer each. Alongside the testimonies of Maurizio Pollini, Antonio Pappano, Salvatore Accardo, and others, Francesco Cera talks about Girolamo Frescobaldi’s music and the artistic revolutions occurring during the composer’s lifetime.
“Frescobaldi was capable of giving a fresh, new face to the Toccata, moulding it as an ‘open shape’, a musical poem conceived as an uninterrupted discursive flow…”
“While in Rome, the composer admires the art works of his contemporaries … painters, sculptors, architects, poets … together, they forge brand new aesthetics …”
“The historical organs in Italy are an extraordinary heritage, spread almost everywhere in the peninsula: the most conspicuous in the world …”
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Maggio 2021 – Frescobaldi e Francesco Cera nel libro Musica a specchio edito dal Sole24ore
La casa editrice de Il Sole 24 Ore pubblica il libro “Musica a specchio” a cura di Carla Moreni....